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  water bottle!
水瓶座用英语怎么说 20分
  星座名称:水瓶座   英文名:Aquarius   星座属性:风象星座   出生时间:1月20日-2月18日   水瓶座(拉丁语:Aquarius!天文符号:5560)黄道带星座之一、面积979激85平方度,占全天面积的2.375%,   【英语牛人团】请采纳,
  vacuum flask是指保温的那种开水瓶、我前几天用手机积分兑换了一个水瓶、上面就是这样写的vacuum flask?真空开水瓶。
  One of the world's most beloved action stars is calling it quits. At a Cannes press conference Friday for his latest film, Chinese Zodiac--his 100th movie--Jackie Chan told reporters he's giving up action films for good. "This will be my last action movie," the actor, 58, said. "I will ask my body how long I can go . . . I tell you, I am not young any more." Laughing he added, "I am really, really tired."The international superstar--who is famous for performing his own stunts--says he also takes issue with the extreme content seen on-screen today. "The world is too violent now," he explained. "It's a dilemma because I like action, but I don't like the violence." Chan is also hoping that by giving up his tried-and-true action star parts, he'll be able to expand his brand and take on more serious, dramatic roles. Little by little, the actor hopes he can show audiences "the real Jackie Chan.""I don't just want to be an action star, I want to be a true actor," the Hong Kong-born star revealed. "I want to be an Asian Robert De Niro. I want to get rid of my image. So, for the last ten years I've done other films like The Karate Kid, where I'd rather play an old man. I want the audience to know I'm not just about fighting or comedy, also I can act." Chan is best known for combining martial arts with slapstick comedy; the actor's daredevil tendencies make it difficult for him to be insured by movie studios. Chan currently holds the Guinness Book of World Records title for "Most Stunts By A Living Actor."、
  英文 Taurus   希腊语 Ταύ6993ρος亥     希望可以帮到你~记得采纳哦~~!
   lucky 英[ˈlʌki] 美[ˈlʌki]   adj. 运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的;   [例句]I am luckier than most. I have a job   我比大部分人幸运、我有份工作。   [其他] 比较级:luckier 最高级:luckiest。
  ion 英文单词,音标为“'laɪən”,一般4391译为“狮子,勇敢的人”、作为人名译为3337“莱恩”。一般用作人名。如dota英雄恶4894魔巫师lion。中国红客联盟创始人Lion,由中岛爱演唱的《超时空要塞》第二季主题曲!也名为lion,这里意为“勇猛的人、勇敢的人”、同时lion还是锂离子电池(Li-ion)的简称!   发音   英音:['laiən][1]。美音:['laiən]   雄狮lion ['laiən]   雌狮lioness ['laiənis]   释义   森林王者   名词 n. [C]   1.意指狮子!狮子是唯一的一种雌雄两态的猫科动物。是地球上力量强大的猫科动物之一!狮子生存的环境里。其他猫科都处于劣势,漂亮的外形。威武的身姿。王者般的力量和梦幻般的速度完美结合,赢得了“万兽之王”的美誉!   例句:The soldier was as brave as a lion.(那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。)   2.勇猛的人,勇士,   3.引申义指名人。社交场合的名流!能力强的人!   例句:He is regarded as a literary lion.(他被认为是文学名士。)   4.(作为英国国徽的)狮子纹章!   5.【天文学】(大写4996)狮子座!狮子宫[the S]!   6.【英式英语】(市内)名胜、。
  带什么饰品会招财可以佩戴百瑞堂至尊貔貅来提升自己的财运和事业运!貔貅自古7758就是招财转运神兽。为五大瑞兽之首、     请貔貅要请开光的貔貅、没开光的貔貅只能是当做装饰品来佩戴!百瑞堂至尊貔貅经过开光法会开光后马上进行封存、然后再由大德高僧加持七天七夜,保证第一眼看到主人、在招财转运旺事业方面2099最为灵验,     百瑞堂至尊貔貅有和田玉款和翡翠款。也有水晶款都很好看!款式有吊坠和手链、貔貅讲眼缘、您对哪禒貔貅有眼缘也是证明有缘。!
  属鼠的幸运石—晶王—白水晶   属鼠之人佩带白水晶、能聚焦集中扩大记忆的功能,辟邪!挡煞。净化全身,驱除病气。趋吉开运。与蓝虎眼石,紫水晶。马来玉相配合能带来旺盛的生命力、4249舒缓紧张情绪!与外界更加融洽,事业成功且智慧增长、一世亨通、、

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